Ctrl+C will copy any shareable textual data to Android clipboard. Most apps like Reader and Browser have Share button which sends information to other apps. But not every app accepts shared information. Ctrl+C accepts any textual data like notes and URLs and copies it to system clipboard. Later you can paste this information to any other app.
For example, you might read an article in RSS reader and want to share it with your buddy through chat app. But most of chat apps do not accept shared texts. Now you can share an article URL with Ctrl+C, copy it to clipboard and then paste into chat.
Other typical use-cases for this are:
* You want to tell your GTalk friend about awesome app in Play Market.
* You want to tell that friend about some place in Foursquare.
* You want to open current web page in other browser.
You can paste data into any app with text inputs, like chats, contacts, calendar, simply anywhere!
1. Copy everything. This option tells Ctrl+C to copy both description and main text as a single clipboard entry. For example, when you share current page in Browser page's title is put into description and URL into main text.
2. Do not copy description. Most of the times you won't need description, so you can only copy what's important.
3. Autocopy without openning the app. This option tells Ctrl+C to instantly copy any shared data without openning main interface.
4. Close on copy. This option enabled will close Ctrl+C UI when pressing Copy button.按Ctrl + C复制到Android剪贴板共享的任何文本数据。大多数阅读器和浏览器等应用程序的Share(分享)按钮,将信息发送到其他应用程序。但并不是每一个应用程序接受共享信息。按Ctrl + C可以接受任何文本数据,如票据和URL,并将其复制到系统剪贴板。之后,您可以将其粘贴到任何其他应用程序的信息。
例如,你可能会读到一篇文章的RSS阅读器,并希望把它分享给你的好友,通过聊天应用程序。但最不接受的聊天应用程序共享文本。现在,您可以用Ctrl + C共享的文章URL,复制到剪贴板,然后粘贴到聊天。
1。复制一切。这个选项告诉Ctrl + C组合键复制文本作为一个剪贴板项目描述和主要。例如,当你分享当前页面在浏览器页面的标题是投入到主要文字描述和URL。
3。 AutoCopy的开放数据的应用程序。这个选项告诉Ctrl + C组合键,即时复制任何共享数据,而无需打开呈现的主界面。
4。关闭复制。启用此选项将关闭Ctrl + C组合键的用户界面时,按“复制”按钮。